日曜日, 7月 16, 2006

Curiosity (Invention)

I'm curious to know from the few readers that stop by this corner of the web what you think the world's worst and greatest inventions to date are. This can be anything from the printing press, or the chemical organic substance used to flavor food, or even the use of spent uranium for bullets to enhance their armor penetration value, or maybe the the grand bio-electrical escalator (stairs).

Many argue it's all good, so leave a brief line or two of reasoning why you love to hate it or can not imagine life without this invention.

I'll slide mine in later as I don't want to bias the results at this time :)

5 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Greatest Invention: Language (he says as he pulls out his hair over another *complicated pictogram* line of translation), the one thing that truly makes us, as a species, great. Or, if that's too abstract, then paper and it's various ancestors and decendants. The transfer of knowledge on greater and greater scales.

Worst Invention: A bit harder. This is going a bit out into left field, but probably the Steam Turbine. Not that it's a bad thing on it's own, but because it's around, we don't seem to be too keen on coming up with new methods of generating energy. I dunno about you, but I just think that we could be doing better with things like nuclear power than boiling water to make tea.

Unknown さんのコメント...

Worst invention - - the PHONE. Tis evil and we're it not for it's stepping place in the technology ladder I'd ask for it to be staked in an unmarked grave, banished for eternity.

Greatest Invention - - this one is a little harder. Various communication devices come to mind (other than the phone - tis evil I tell ye) But in the end I'd end up in one of the Sciences - is Logic and invention or a discovery?

Will get back on the Greatest invention - gotta think on that one some more.

匿名 さんのコメント...

It has to be cheese in s spray can--it's what separates us from the animals.

Jared さんのコメント...

Glass is my vote for the best invention. From cars, to fiber optics to letting light into our homes... glass is my #1 choice. If nothing else I would have to give glass the "greatest Improvement in the Quality of Life" award.

Worst invention... anything that makes loud noise. Maybe the atomic bomb. Maybe gunpowder. Yes, I am going to go with gunpowder. It is the thing by which most people have been killed by other people.

Unknown さんのコメント...

i've been thinking about the greatest invention and what it might be for me - but i keep coming back to cooking and chemistry.

not to mention where would be be without cheeze in a can?

my delemia is that i'm not sure if these fall under invention or discovery?