水曜日, 1月 31, 2007

Oracle Syndrome

After typing the last post I realized I have never defined the Oracle Syndrome here on DI.

The name refers to the ancient practice of consulting the Oracle.

When first thinking of the issues being experienced at work so long ago the Greek Oracle at Delphi came to mind. When at it's high point people would come from miles around to ask the most simple questions for fear they might some crucial mistake in their daily lives. As long as you can answer the questions correctly there is great job security :P

In the technology realm it picks up that old cliche of giving a fish to a person and feeding them for a day vs. just teaching 'em how to fish so they can feed themselves.

Which is one step away form the Olde Roman Coliseum of bread and circuses. Where the user gets the customer service song and dance with the cake of answers to the same questions over and over and over, well you get the idea.

There are cures for the Oracle Syndrome, most involve a trainer with a whip and a chair - well maybe not a whip but definitely a chair. With the hopes of training people how to fish again and bake their own cakes.

Until that day, enjoy the show and occasionally share some of that bread :)

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