水曜日, 8月 02, 2006

Mimic's Sacrifice

I killed it once, or at least banished it, long ago due to its incessant bad timing, pointless gibberish, and robbing little bits of sanity - stealing it from one world to the next, either way Text had to be stopped.

At that time I cared not what happened to it or where it went - let the binary pixies feast upon it through the eternities so long as it leaves me in peace.

Silently, about 2 or 3 weeks ago Text came back bringing its sibling, an alluring creature with the voice of a well trained Mimic. The Mimic never said much, preferring to be a conduit for those missed, waiting patiently, tirelessly working behind the scenes until summoned.

However Text is not so patient for anyone, be they king or beggar it matters not. For as it sat quietly in the shadows, it was continually building up the hyperactivity of a small child bent on dreams of continual jabber filled with information both pointless and benign, remembering its delusions of previous grandeur and self-importance.

When this energy could be contained no longer small messages began to appear at odd times for various items, much like spam e-mail that has no purpose but to be fed the binary pixies, junked or blocked so they can continue to make more.

The old games we're born anew though when the spam hit the fan in the wee hours of the morn, robbing the world of sanity producing sleep once again.

So Nextel was called, the complaint lodged, and the remedy agreed. The price was high, but there was no other way. To bind Text once more Mimic must be sacrificed, bound and banished with no hope of escape or reprieve. (It seems that they were born of the same server much like Siamese twins that share vital systems needed for survival.)

And such is the sad state, and the sacrifice made of Mimic to contain its sibling Text.

One day Mimic may be set free - no one really knows the when or if of Mimic's fate. I only hope when it is released from captivity with it's raving sibling that it will not have been driven mad beyond all comprehension, with desires for nothing more than to seek revenge for its unfortunate imprisonment upon it's captors.

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