木曜日, 8月 03, 2006

Guilds - More Than PUG Value

I was wandering the net and stumbled on to this.
Original Post - Wow Forums - EU: Blue Reply


Re: Being a guildmaster, put it on my resume? 8/3/2006 2:38:20 AM PDT

Q u o t e:
Hello, I am the guildmaster of a fairly large horde guild on trollbane. We are at the twin emperors now, and I have succesfully been the guild master for quite a while.

Now I also just finished my education International Business Administration and I am gonna apply for several big companies in Europe. The thing is: since WoW has been my life during basicly my whole education, I have little or no actual work experience.

Will these companies still take me serious if I wrote on my resume I helped my guild trough a major crisis, did all recruiting by myself. And had almost daily meetings and evaluations with my officers staff.

It is a tricky thing indeed, because I would imagine that mentioning your guild leadership in World of Warcraft on your resume could very likely backfire and thus instead loose you the job you were applying for.

This guy (http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.04/learn.html) got lucky due to the fact that the employers knew the effort it requires to lead a large and successful guild in WoW. But many employers would not have this knowledge and would thus not take your job application seriously.

It is most surely a good idea to do a little research on the company you would like to work for, because that can maybe give you an idea about what type of people the employers are. Otherwise I guess it is just a risk you are going to have to take if you think mentioning World of Warcraft will land you the job :-)

Thinking out of the box is usually quite efficient when applying for a job :-)

Inside the reply was this link to Wired:
You Play World of Warcraft? You're Hired!
This is most likely the exception to the rule - - but still, talk about a virtual edge (if the interviewer even knows what game you are talking about of course).

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