日曜日, 8月 06, 2006

Musical Chairs - *Kerplunk*

Short of a pure rationalization what determines our musical preferences? Even more so how do we internally sort our music into the arbitrary categories provided by the music industry?

Long ago I learned how to search by 'Rock' 'Classical' etc. but in most cases I was looking for music that really crossed the genere types. Once in a while I was successful, although mixing tastes (especially if you enjoy foreign music that doesn't have a MASSIVE following) can prove more expensive than putting up with the average junk the music companies put out.

With that in mind is music nothing more than a marker of pop-culture at any given time? Or is there something more to it's meaning and popularity or lack there of?

Damn this is beginning to sound like Mouse talking about "Tastey Wheat" - if I'm not careful the entire music world is going to taste, er sound like Chicken.

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