月曜日, 7月 05, 2010

Ippen Shinde Miru?

It's been awhile since I looked at my current addictions... at the moment I can only think of two or three, the image above is from one of them on the anime front. It's from Jigoku Shoujo - I think I stumbled in at the second season: Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, and became hooked not so much in the formulaic plot, but in the subtleties within each of the stories. I've got high hopes for season three: Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae.

Another show that has really stood out over the past few months is The Last Exile - also well done, I'll let the those who take the time to watch decide on the ending though as I'm still torn on this unique sci-fi.

A special thanks to all those out there who for what ever the reason continue to provide fansubs to the world.

As for music - - the pendulum forever swings. Lately I've felt pulled to a little faster beat and back away from the American market of music. This seems to happen in cycles with the last major draw back to the U.S. being Breaking Benjamen, and Blue October. Currently the Japanese have my ear, with Ellegarden, and Muramasa keeping me going... Elle has become quite addicting to say the least reminding me a bit of Blink 182

Even with all these shifts it took Dragon Age: Origins to finish burning World of Warcaft out of my system. Currently even with all it's faults I can say my once strong desire to jump right back in to WoW has been cut substantially, and the best part is I'm now I've a little extra cash in my pocket.

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