水曜日, 9月 28, 2005


I know that ethically I shouldn't be happy to see someone else's pain. However after getting kicked around enough it's kind of nice to see someone else get it for once. Let me explain. . .

For the past while I've been hooked - er, no addicted is closer too it, an MMORPG called World of Warcraft. I started out on a PVE server, which means for the most part no body will come up to slap you around unless you REALLY ask for it. Later I graduated to a PVP server, where everyone wants to come up and slap you around - whether you ask for it or not.

On one particular day I was getting slapped around quite a bit - but since I wanted to make it to the next level of ability I took a ship to a distant port with 3 foes. Yes I could have waited for the next ship - but there were a couple of things I wanted to test out:

One being, if they would kill me or not (alone, and non-threatening) would these 3 stoop to blatant homicide. Second, if I did die where would I go - not as though there is a grave at sea I have access to.

Well, needless to say I never made it off the ship - I was gang'd up and summarily snuffed in around 10 seconds. (if that - I'm figuring closer to 5 sec, but can't be sure as I was dying at the moment :P)

Some would say I asked for it - but at this point death was becoming a reality to me and there was no way to avoid it and get the quest done. Anyway, the answer to the second question was to be 'insta-res'd' at the nearest graveyard, which just happened to be right outside of town. No harm no foul (except for my pride, but it has been greatly devalued over time).

Now here is where the karma kicks in - the same priest that helped in my demise one the ship ran by and tried to kill me again. Not sure if it was greed or stupidity, as the guards of the town quickly swarm'd this idiot and put them down. To this day I'm not sure if they ever knew what hit them.

In another area I got a surprise attack, just pounded me while in the process of leaving the area all together. Karma kicked in again as by the time I made it back a bigger fish had come along and returned the favor.

{[Later I saw the priest in another location getting smacked down again by another player - this karma just felt good]}

So just remember when life kicks ya down - just give it a chance, as justice is fickle but seems to happen to anyone dumb enough to screw with the cosmic balance.

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