水曜日, 10月 19, 2005

Is That Air You're Breathing?

It feels like another reality has come and gone since my last post.

Just one more brief addition to those games we play from one reality to the next:

Classes and Training - - the stuff we actually pay for. School work, Homework, Research its all a game. The rules are set the price paid [usually via cash or charge] then we are rewarded with the opportunity to play with others.

So when you think that the games are over - - just look around my friend you have yet to escape the Matrix. Socialization and Training are one of those things, like 'Death and Taxes' that our society will forever be working on us with.

For those of you looking for some sort of question to pull from this little segment as I return back to my studies here it is:

"Does Society and the Socialization/Training make us better people or worse?"

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