木曜日, 10月 13, 2005


I took a long walk last night on line. Died many times, dashing my self upon the obstacle that stood in my way. And learned that I either need to be stronger and more skilled to accomplish my guest, find help, or screw it and forget it ever existed.

Right now I'm still in the camp with the first two options - - later if it becomes too frustrating the third option will not only look more inviting but may prove the escape I'm looking for.

'til then we will see what happens when the current indestructible force meets undaunted will-power.

The wild thing is how much creativity is created when something doesn't just move out of our way and we are forced to come up with other ways to solve the issues we face.

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...


I took the get stronger route. . . it was close but I got 'em. (one more hit either way and one of us was dead - good thing no one breathed hard :)

I have to admit it was quite a rush overcoming the obstical.