月曜日, 10月 31, 2005

Magic, Miracles, and Cynics - OH MY!

Happy Halloween All - -

May the spirits protect and guide.

When does it happen? When do we begin to loose our love of the unknown, when magic needs to be explained away in the stark reality of science (which to many is a magic all its own)? And what of miracles?

It seems that the Cynics come out when ever the amazing appears. The idea that something can not be explained challenges some and scares others.

But don't' we need some of that wonder in our lives - even if just for a moment to remember that there is more to life than what we can explain with our own eyes, or touch before us?

Maybe this is the final goal of the game. To come to grips that we don't have all the answers, and learn to enjoy what we do have while we have it.

Oh and watch out for ye olde headless horseman - - he's been a bit edgy these past few days. . .

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