月曜日, 10月 24, 2005

Simple Discovery

Many times it's the simple things that stand out, little discoveries that are made as make our way through which ever realm we are traveling. Many of these discoveries can produce a profound epiphany, while others create a nice texture to the reality we already move in.

Now for the fun part - - I've been on both sides of this one:
Not sure how to translate this one any clearer. . .

I am grateful for those who put up with my simple discoveries, not all of them are grand enlightenment material - some of it may be a little mundane. (Like the leaves starting to change color in Tarren Mill. - sry but a talking frog is still pretty damn cool***)

There are sometimes though when sharing the idea makes me want to just close my eyes and make it all disappear. . .

*** For those who know not the tale of the Talking Frog.
(A Knock-off version at best)

One night while traveling a long a secluded road a Computer Tech spied a frog in the brush. He thought nothing of it and continued on his way until he heard the frog speak.

(This seemed to terrify most travelers who would go running in the night)

However the talking frog raised the computer tech's curiosity and he went over for a closer look. As he near'd the brush he found the frog, which came out to meet him by the road side.

The frog's plea was simple, all she wanted was one kiss. It seems that some evil witch type had cursed her and only a kiss would break the spell.

The computer tech said he would think about it, and picked up the frog and put it in his shirt pocket. After a while on the road the frog upp'd her offer - it seems that the frog was the daughter of a weathy family and for that single kiss her father would pay him a princely sum.

The computer tech thought about this as he continued to make his way down the road. . .

Having not received a kiss from the computer tech after continuing up the road the frog upp'd her reward again. She promised him that the princely sum would only be the first part of her father's reward. The second part of the reward would be a large land grant, with a manor and servants to come at his whim. He would a king in everything but name.

Still the computer tech walked on . . .

By this time the frog was becoming more desperate, and once again the offer was added too. For now she offered the princely sum, the land with a manor house and servants, and now she offered her freedom. . . for the price of a single kiss she would marry the computer tech and stay with him forever - all for just one kiss that would set her free from her amphibian form.

Still the computer tech walked on . . .

It had been a long walk and the computer tech and his talking frog began to see the lights of a village in the distance. The frog, now upset from the lack of enthusiasm the computer tech showed at the chance to receive such amazing rewards for a simple kiss to free her finally broke the silence.

Yelling at the computer tech she vented her frustration, and after doing so begged to know why he would not kiss her and set her free from the curse.

The reply was a simple one that left the frog rather dumbstruck . . .

As the Travler looked at the frog and said, "Because talking frogs are cool."

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