火曜日, 10月 11, 2005

Sticking Spot

This could also be called Risk v. Reward, ROI, Cause v. Effect or any number of other names. The question is this -

"When in the function of events does the balance change between live and let live, the threat is high and must be removed, and the defense of honor (AKA, WTF - Not this time you dirty !*#$@&!)?"

We all have that spot where we enter a defensive mode, even an aggressive mode. For me I hit the "WTF - Not this time you dirty !*#$@&!" while questing in a swamp. Normally when the foe attacks it's only to cause my demise.

More than once I've been killed while fighting with a 'computer controlled' attacker when I will get jump'd and sent to the graveyard. I'm used to this and due to the PVP nature of the server I'm on I expect it to an extent.

This time though I was being chased off for resources. They didn't hunt me down and end me there - they settled for shock and flight. Once the shock (and the fact I wasn't dead) had worn off I did something different. I went back and fought 'em. In many cases I would have just written off the resource but this time was different.

Something snapped - and I attacked. Scary thing is that being a lowly priest in this game attacking a warrior is NOT a brilliant idea. Survival is iffy at best, but what a rush - and the amazing thing is I won. I got the resources I found, and the knowledge I may have a fighting chance in this world after all.

Shaka: Never leave an enemy behind or it will rise again to fly at your throat.

From "Shaka Zulu" (1986)

I guess Shaka was right in this case.

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