土曜日, 3月 18, 2006

Doku ni iku?

Though I did not know the place,
I set out for the land of my dreams.
Having arrived at the land of my dreams,
I found I did not know the place


Oh on a side note, if anyone finds the japanese/english, lyrics/mp3 to Pachelbel's Canon in D used in eposide 4 "Land of Adults" please send me a link or flare or something. It's rather haunting and I'd love to add it here.


5 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

I've been working on this for a bit, and I thought I'd give you a status report. Found the lyrics (link below) and the name of the album it's on (Kino na Kanon), but the album doesn't seem to actually be on sale anywhere, and mp3s have yet eluded my grasp. I'll check back later when I have more info.


Unknown さんのコメント...

Thank you mr. the tiger.

Please keep me posted, in my limited research here is what i found.

Link: http://blog.ming-ling.net/start020504.php?show_id=2004_0211

It's on another blog most likely from one of the same paper sisters you found the lyrics on. The information is down a bit under "Their Memories" from Feb 10th 2004.

It seems the album we are looking for may have been a bonus with a book.

I guess the rarity makes it just that much more speicial. :P

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Book has been ordered, and CD will come with it. As soon as they arrive, I'll see about getting the songs to you. In the mean time, have you checked your e-mail box recently? ;D

Unknown さんのコメント...

Once again I owe you a debt of thanks mr. the tiger.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Not at all. I'm nearly as much of a Kino fan as you are, and this whole trip has prooved to be a rather enjoyable challenge.