日曜日, 3月 26, 2006

Hunting for . . .

It's amazing how everyone is looking for something, even when they do not know what they seek. It doesn't matter if you are on-line, off-line, board game or 'real life' (still trying to figure out a good definition for 'real life') there are desires and goals to be searched for and met.

The question is am I willing to pay the price? There is always a price, any one that says differently is trying to sell something on credit :P and even if the cost is not in cold hard cash, I'll be paying in time, resources, or some other form of frustration and possibly annoyances or worse.

But then have the fun might be the hunt, to find what we did not know before, or make new discoveries with information that we already know.

In my current addiction there are no specific quests for the class I play, but there are some challenges that I take as 'personal quests' that challenge my skill in order to satisfy the desire just to see if I can do it.

The other thing I've found with price is that it's relative. What one may look on as an extravagant waste of resources the other might see as a steal, wondering why someone did not buy it out right earlier. The best example of this is Time. . .

Keep in mind I'm not looking to go skydiving or base jumping any time in the near future, but occasionally travel comes to mind. . . the question is am I willing to pay the price?

As for sanity, we'll it's value on the market seems to be in constant flux - normally in a downward spiral on those really fun days.

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