木曜日, 3月 09, 2006


I woke up one morning and it hit me as I was watering the bamboo in it's small ceramic pot that I need to find some way to get it into a bigger pot. The question is how to do it without destroying the root system. It's one of those where the bamboo was put in the small pot and then the gravel got a good coat of glue or something to hold it all in.

Then it hit me (yep here it comes, just like you knew it would) how much of my life is like this little bamboo? Potted in an area, contained in a society of norms, and glued into traditions - comfortable at first but then as I sit in the window I wonder if there is something more.

I remember the old adage of "Bloom where you are planted", it's one of those many little quips in life that has that "Endure to the end" and "Make do with what you have" qualities. And yet sometimes I wonder what might have been, and occasionally still have urge to just put a full tank of gas in the car and drive off into the distance and see what happens.

To explore the world outside the pot. . .

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