金曜日, 3月 31, 2006

Updated Presence

It feels strange to have a web presence like this that has lasted so long.

I've tried making websites, and after all the work they will usually fall into disrepair. I lose the desire to maintain and add things that seem interesting, some would say out of laziness - others just because it's a pain to mess with all the code.

Maybe this is part of the answer that Walt was talking bout in O Me, O Life, when he wrote:

That you are here -- That life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.
Gotta think on this one. . .

On a lighter note if you take a look along the side you'll find my new pet cat - tekk. He's very friendly and will purr, and even try to eat your mouse pointer if you let 'im :)

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