木曜日, 5月 11, 2006

Will It Last?

Customers/Users are fickle and addicts are a little bit closer to the zealot and insanity than the rest. Yep and that's one step away from the classic epithet of 'Humans are Stupid' (paraphrased wizard's first rule - hmm I should really do a post on those)

Anyway, my current addiction is WoW - or- World of Warcraft, and they have finally provided more information about an expansion that has been in the works now for what seems like an epoch or two. The question is how long will it last -- is this the ..//Hack of my time? With the current level and loot races going on it's hard to tell how long it will remain an addiction.

On the plus side with the new expansion new lands will open up and the chance to explore them - I may not be one for massive raids to try and get items for the hardcore, but good armor and a few tricks up my binary sleeve will work just fine to go see new virtual lands.

Makes me wonder how long until Google enters the world and you can visit GMain or GBritian from your virtual desktop an live a true digital existance. It might not be as far in the future as we think.

Until then I'll enjoy my current addiction for now and see what the future holds :)

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

It scary but the struggle for power leveling has ended many a game, manga, television show etc.

In the end the story looses all relevance, and the landscape becomes a cratered mess of distruction and chaos as characters/players frantically search for the next weapon or skill - even ulitimate power is not enough.

Til in the end one of two things happen - the series finds a way to reset (sequels and spin-offs are the most popular) or it end either in a blaze of glory or a whimper as players get tired of the grind and go to an new realm thus forcing their own reset of a sort.