土曜日, 6月 17, 2006


It's strange as I get older addictions seem to become more pronounced - - in many cases one could argue humans in general live only to feed their addictions.

Now keep in mind I'm using the term addiction in it's loosest sense. Not quite to the extent that breathing is an addiction (yes death will follow if you figure out how to stop completely so don't try it), but you name the substance and I'm sure we can find someone addicted to it.

From the mundane cup of coffee in the morning that many need to start their day, to the gamer who is looking for the next fix (I usually land in this one) to the extreme cliff jumper who can't imagine life without a good adrenaline rush jumping off anything that is worth the climb. In the end it's this variety that seems to keep us going when survival is not in immediate peril. (okay the cliff jumper is hooked on the whole danger thing - but then couldn't we argue that many are - extreme sports, delta force, driver's education instructors).

Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor, had this whole belief that we stick around on this earth because of something - we have a reason to live, and when we loose that reason we are not long for this earth.

So now as Miracle Max pushes down on our "mostly dead" chest what will we say to answer: "What's so great about this life, what's out here worth living for?"

Just remember:

Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe

[smacks his lips]

they're so perky, I love that.

At this point sometimes I think I have better odds of finding a nice MLT (the trick will be keeping the keyboard clean as I eat it while playing the next game)

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