火曜日, 6月 27, 2006

Deep Space II

I'm not sure if I'm really cut out for a permanent existence in deep space. I mean hell, I'm one of the first ones to admit that I'm kind of a loaner. But last night I went on a 30 jump vacation and found that in order to survive space madness and the desire to blow everything up one REALLY needs a good on-line social network.

With that came the other realization that there is no place like home - if you are looking for a mission you can forget going across the world to find one. . . I had a few NPCs tell me to go find someone further down on the food chain to annoy - trouble is you don't get much lower on the food chain than an NPC in the middle of nowhere.

So after doing the equivalent of one hellatious road trip I've decided to go back to my 'home' system and pretend the rest of the galaxy doesn't exist, for now, until I can get some really big guns and or a trading barge or something to make it worth my while to go look around again.

Kicker is it won't be too long til my month is up - not sure if I'll hang around after that. The evil side of me says to pick a person at random and put one very large bounty on them - just for kicks? Or dump the money into someone's account, providing them with the mystery thrill you get when you find cash in your pocket you didn't know about?

7 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Honestly, for me the biggest killer for this game is that there's no real incentive to log in. You keep progressing at the same rate whether you're actually playing or not. Sure you can run around and get cash, but what good does the moeny do when you'va already got the best stuff your skills let you use?

I think my trial account ran out... yesterday, maybe? and I don't have any real inclination to fire it back up. It's too bad, but it looks like we're gonna have to find a different universe for me to pay back my debts in...

Unknown さんのコメント...

true the only reason to login to to make sure you are training - - probably the main reason they don't let you queue your training up - - otherwise you could go months without even checking your account.

I'm still torn over the final donatation of cash - 4mil may not be much but hell it's a nice jump to something - - personally I'm leaning toward the whole suprise you have a bounty on your head.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

You might want to just hold on to it. As far as I can tell, CCP doesn't ever delete accounts (Hell, the trial one I set up like two years ago is still there.) You never know, you might feel the need to pick this up again sometime, and that 4mil will make up for a lot of the rust your skills will have gathered in that time.

Unknown さんのコメント...

it might help with some rust - but then nothing seems to gather dust in space, money is cheap and insurance fraud is rampant. i'll probably keep the ship and the bulk of the armor/weapons systems - then if i ever go back i'll already have a foot hold.

at this time though short of the biggest skill queue in the galaxy or a way to get xp and get some new skills i'm not seeing a lot of desire at the moment to go back - - never know though.

Jared さんのコメント...

How about CoV? Muhuhaha!!!

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Sounds like a plan, J. =D Especially since they've got the free trial out.

Katrina さんのコメント...

I've put my space fantasies on hold in hopes that Blizzard will one day take on an MMO of Starcraft. A girl can dream, can't she?