水曜日, 6月 07, 2006

The Silkroad of Eve

It feels like I've been out of touch with the world since canceling my World of Warcraft account, but in a strange way it feels rather good too.

However things aren't really going as planned -- gotta love procrastination. All those plans made to fill the void of free Warcraft time that was going to be created have currently come to not - or would that be knot (one great big tangle on the horizon I see, hmm - yesss there it is).

Instead my search has lead me to fill the time with other MMoRPG *think I spelled that right*.

Only two have really gained traction though, after many attempts:

Silkroad - which runs like a 3d version of Diablo2, it's free so I can't complain to much. Just like D2 though it doesn't take long to get board if you can't handle the grind and in the end its all in how you build the character, the skills you provide.

Eve Online - by far the highest learning curve I've ever had in a game, with the Tutorial alone taking a few hours but HIGHLY worth it. I'm only in the trial account at the moment, and I'm not sure if I'll keep it afterward. The biggest question I have right now is one of the most frustrating at the moment, and that is "How the hell do I learn NEW skills?" Everytime I go to use something I picked up or try to place a weapons system in place ect I get this damnable error message that says I don't have the ***skill to equip/use. Upgrading current skills may take a while but I get that, hence this new skills issue will be the game killer for me - other than that Incredible is an understatement.

J's talking about trying out City of Heros - - so far Character Creation looks really nice, just wish it had a free trail befor sinking the cash into it.

Oh on a side note for those that have been getting a kick out of the random changes will notice the shift again in the mix. And just fair warning PostSecret is one of those intersting sites that will bounce from the benign to the obscene based on the secrets they recive - - so enter at your own risk.

Other sites may be added as time permits - - I'm toying with the idea of adding a comics section, but not sure if I really want to go that route after all the code fun the site has experienced recently.

4 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Good golly, what is up with Blogger's comment setup lately?

At any rate, if I recall correctly, new skills in Eve are learned through books that you buy. Something like that anyway. They're not cheap though, I remember that.

And it's kinda funny that you mention CoH, cause I've been toying with the idea of picking up City of Villians. Maybe we'll end up cleaning each other's clocks in endgame.

Unknown さんのコメント...

No idea, but what ever it is also is screwing with images. I tried putting images in this post now at least a half dozen times - most the time it says the upload is good but the images never show up.

As for CoH, let me know how CoV works out. Eve seems to be pulling most of my attention - space is big and so can the explosions be if ship your is cooked by pirates or some other hostile force.

Depending on how the WoW expansion is though I might be in that endgame with you yet :)

Jared さんのコメント...

EveOnline is a blast. I am loving it.

Unknown さんのコメント...

So far it's been a good learning experience, learning curve is high but there is so much to do.

With my limited game experience on line I'd definatly say that Eve is far more organic and player driven vs. the other online games I've played.

I mean when was the last time a guild took over a keep and got to claim land rights in Wow, controling all access, mining, and herbal rights for both the Alliance and Horde?