木曜日, 7月 06, 2006

Second Wind

Well the place goes on the market today, and after being up til 2:30 a.m. cleaning it's about as done as it's going to get for now. Have to admit though I was surprised at how much can be completed even with the various way-laying techniques of side projects that just kept popping up. That whole "let's go put this one thing away in another room only to find that there is something there that needs to be done too".

Did make one discovery though - for cleaning smooth porcelain style sinks GoJo - with pumice and that lovely orange scent works wonders. I've had a big bottle of it from other projects that were done around the house for a while and figured I'd give it a go on some of the harder sinks that had a little rust dis-coloration and a some built up grime. It was rather impressive.

As for other surprise projects - the plants got cut back, almost had a jungle feel there for a moment as I really didn't realize just how long one of the plants had gotten. The large dark green leaves had crawled across the floor, around the kitchen chairs, under the table and was beginning to make a run toward the refrigerator. So with machette like scissor action I now have two fish bowls of spider plants starts and a large pasta jar (it was the only thing deep enough) full of "jungle plant" starts.

I have a feeling that all these starts will take root together making for some BIG single pot transplants. (I wouldn't expect anything else set to root in a fish bowl, let alone a pasta jar)

Now if the grass would just stop growing but still stay that nice green color I'd be set. I have no desire to go for the artificial dead grass green paint or astro-turf, even if I can do pretty patterns, yet. And to tell you the truth mowing the lawn doesn't really bother me - it's figuring out what to do with all the grass clippings.

Let's hope for a quick sell then those clippings won't really matter, well that's what I keep telling myself anyway.

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