土曜日, 7月 15, 2006


I'm not sure what happened there - everything went black - er, white.

Thanks to Mr. The Tiger for letting me know.

As for the fix - - in true technology form. I removed some code (at random) refreshed, saved and then replaced the code.

Anyway things seem to be functioning fine again, I think.

2 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Man, you just have the worst luck with web programming, don't you? Even worse than me, which is no mean feat. Out of pure curiousity, what piece of code was it that might or might not have actually been the problem?

Unknown さんのコメント...

Not sure - the random code I removed/replaced though was for the blogger tool/nav bar at the top.

The code came from one of the themes I tried awhile back. This is the first time it's been problematic before.

Personally, I think it was just a matter of forcing the code to refresh and the only way I could think to do it was with the whole remove replace trick.