月曜日, 9月 11, 2006

The Currency of Security

It's one of those age old questions - something that many have yet discover.

Among those needs humans seem to share are Food, Water, Shelter and Security. Each comes with it's own price tag, in its own currency. Food, Water, and Shelter are elemental by design, and require time to grow and gather. Security though is different - more a state of mind than anything else.

Security has a different currency as well - one many do not think much about it but we barter and trade it on a daily basis. Many times we use it in collective, as we watch governments rise and fall - be it for attack or defense we spend our Freedom in hopes of gaining Security.

The hardest question is how much Freedom are we willing to spend? What freedoms are we willing to trade to gain a sense of security?

Remember the waters of Denial are warm and may feel safe, but only until a Crocodile of reality comes up from below to take a bite out of the illusion we call reality.

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