月曜日, 10月 02, 2006

Still Preoccupied With 1985

Azumanga Daioh AMV by Suberunker (Kevin Chiou)

For those who know Azumanga Daioh this should be rather enjoyable, almost makes me wonder if you can ever really forget those highschool adventures. Either way one of the better manga/music videos I've seen in a long time :)

4 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Oh man... It's always good to see one of these guys put some effort into their creations, and this one's above and beyond.

"Bring me to Life" by Aeris Gainsborough... Gyah-haha.

Unknown さんのコメント...

Might need a link for that one - -

I did a search on what you had listed up there and found a full spectrum of quality.

So far I'd have to say my favorites were:

(least clip repetion)

(done as a music video - mic and all)

I may not know alot about the FF world or the history of these two characters, but at least the video is good :P

As I type this post I feel your sarcasim soaking through though -

Gyah! or should I type D'oh!

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

I could do a whole essay on this, but since I value our friendship, I'll stick to the abridged version:

Final Fantasy VII is the most overrated game in history, bar none.

Aeris/th's death scene mid-way through (yup, that's a spoiler alright.) is the most overrated scene ever, with the possible exception of "I am your father".

And finally, Aeris/th Gainsborough herself is perhaps the most overrated character in the Final Fantasy series, possibly tied with T.G. Cid. She's certainly the most useless character in that game, a pretty neat trick considering that every one in FFVII is total vanilla stat-wise. And she's definately the biggest twit in the Square-Enix empire, which is, again, quite the achievement in a field with such contenders as Rikku and Jack Russel.

So, yes, I did find the idea of a character who would have been utterly forgotten had she not been disemboweled half way through her game singing Bring Me to Life rather amusing.

Aside from that, though, there wasn't really any sarcasm. I would say this is the best anime music video I've seen, but given the average quality of such items, it really wouldn't be that much of a compliment.

Unknown さんのコメント...

lol - -

due to my recent exploration i know what you mean. AMV Hell 3 was enough to make me leary of the quality for most AMV productions.