土曜日, 11月 04, 2006

Twist of Fate

So much for the best laid plans. I held onto hope til it's last gasping breath but it seems time is not right - - if anything I'm only off by a year - if I could have put my place up one year earlier this would have been a different post all together :P

Which for those few readers that stop by I figured it was only fair to post an update letting you all know the house deal fell through - - seems that I'm not meant to sell my place right now.

It hurt a bit loosing the earnest money - hell $4k is a lot to lose, but it could have been much worse. I mean at least I can still cover my bills and weather the storm without too much discomfort.

The housing market in my area has pulled an EKG flat-line so until the paddles come out and I see it start to breath my only option is take the hit or go bungee jumping and hope someone bought the house before I cratered. Due to my lack wanting to crater I took the hit.

So what is the plan now?

In short I still want to sell but will take this time to finish out the basement (hopefully, i can squeeze a little more out of the place when I do sell it) then roll it into another spot like before.

Currently my eye is looking at a new development that hasn't started building yet where there will be condo/apartments built above storefronts in a newer commercial area in town.

If I can work this out I may be in better shape than if the other house by the "radiant puddle" did go through.

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