土曜日, 12月 30, 2006

WoW - Wiskey Foxtrot Tango!!

One thing that I've learned while playing PVP in World of Warcraft is you almost NEVER know when you will suddenly find yourself in need of a replacement body from another player. Even when there is not open battle going on in a zone being flagged is a good way to up your paranoia. For most though this paranoia seems to weaken as one becomes stronger (ex. higher level), or when they are traveling in areas where other players much higher than themselves are rarely in.

Another way to combat the paranoia a little bit is to do what many have done in the past, and will continue to do - travel in a group and watch each others' back. This simple technique helps but is not full proof - as a very high level character, or a surprise attack can be devastating.

I'm usually on the receiving end of those surprise attacks, and my favorite thing to do is end them for picking the fight. However last night that wasn't an option. When the attacker is so much higher that there is no way to fight back (haunting is available, and lingering curses from beyond the grave) one's resolve to push on can be tested.

But once in a while - both real life and gaming life can surprise you. . .

In my case I was playing with a friend, working toward a common goal and watching each other's back when we ran into a very high level warrior (the type of character that could have killed us both without breaking a sweat - virtual or otherwise).

The situation was tense - death is funny that way. We can run back for our bodies, even get new ones, but death still holds a little bit of fear if not annoyance.

The situation went something like this:


A few other emotes.

"insert expletive here and don't forget the exclamation marks - lot's of 'em"

The warrior was down by about a 3rd of health, stunned and taking massive amounts of damage. It took a few seconds for it to register - as we knew neither one of us had that sort of ability at our current skill level.

I'm just glad that rogue was on our side, as he quickly dispatched the warrior leaving him in a heap to deal with the annoyance of death in game. Only the rogue saw it coming - the rest of us were left stunned and amazed.

By the time we left this rogue had proved a very deadly avenging angel, and acted as a reminder that no matter how high you may be or where you travel death can come swiftly when you least expect it.

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