木曜日, 1月 25, 2007

Myst, Denial, Avoidance

I don't know what it is, but sometimes fog has a comforting ability for me. . .

A chance to escape, hidden in the myst it brings back some of those sci-fi/fantasy tales of travelers that find themselves moving between dimensions or back into the distant past or forward into the unknown future.

Yet even in this state of reverie reality will still return yet again in one way or another like Hades' pet
Cerberus it tries to keep all who come near in a weary state to say the least. No one of lore has ever killed Cerberus, Hercules wrestled him into brief submission once as part of his 12 labors, everyone else (4 survivors) put the mutt to sleep through various means such as music or drugged food/water.

At this point though Cerberus doesn't worry me near as much as those rogue entities called humans. Many will tell you only what you want to hear, only to frakk ya later. In the myst or out of it the effects of others are harder to calculate and hold greater potential to bless or curse depending on your point of view. Either way you'll get an enhanced spin version later while you are trying to figure out what happened while trying to get out.

I've learned the same thing on-line. Mobs (computer controlled monsters/obstacles) I can plan for, and overcome - the rules are known, their ranges set. Other players though are a different story. Random in their actions, uncontrolled in their peevish wishes they may chase you halfway around the world for no other reason than they can.

Just one more affirmation of some of the
Wizard's Rules:

First Rule: "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so all are easier to fool."

Or maybe even this one.

Tenth Rule: "People who for whatever reason don't want to see the truth can be acutely hostile to it and shrill in their denunciation of it. They frequently turn their venomous antagonism on whoever dares to point out that truth ... To those seeking the truth, its a matter of simple, rational, self interest to always keep reality in view. Truth is rooted in reality, after all, not the imagination."

Either way the myst is looking mighty nice (at least I won't see the next one coming for the moment).

/tosses Cerberus a puppy treat

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