土曜日, 2月 24, 2007

Conan - Revisited

I haven't' looked at the Conan MMO for a bit - but this part just seemed way to interesting a twist not to share:

Got this from the forum off the main site, and it answered the new phrase 'soul corruption' for me while wandering around, as well as the current idea of death and rez'ing and customization: http://forums.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=5292

How much can I customize my character? Character creation is very detailed, you can add scars, tattoos, ornaments, etc. You can also scale many portions of the body, arms, calves, even your arse and breast size and shape. More than 40 sliders are available to tweak your face. Don’t want to take the time? There’s a random appearance generator button you can hit.

What about death and resurrection?Upon death, you lose XP and gain a temporary stat drain, you also resurrect at a temple or other spawn point, assuming you don't have too much soul corruption.

My mage just fumbled a really big spellweave and blasted himself to bits, what happens now? Under the right conditions, characters with enough Soul Corruption will go to hell upon death, and will be forced to fight their way out before being able to respawn and continue the game. This is primarily a problem for mages and priests, but other characters will have to watch for it as well.

spellweaving? Spell weaving is where a character can take a magical ability,and "stack" others with it. For example, lets say a demonologist first casts a container spell. He then adds a fairly weak AOE shockwave spell meant to stave off opponents, a powerful single fireball spell, and a on touch mana draining spell. Casting the final product results in an AOE blast of fire around the targeted area that drains some magic from enemies to the mage. Powerful abilities come at a cost though, fumbling such a spell can have disastrous consequences for the mage and those around him, including massive amounts of soul corruption, even for those who don't use magic.

What is soul corruption? Soul Corruption is a system in which contact with fell powers has a number of effects on your character. Since mages must bargain with these powers for the sake of their abilities, they are the most susceptible to it. Some, such as the Herald of Xotli, have much to gain from it, others such as the priest of Mitra (whose power comes from the favor of a benevolent god who doesn't... appreciate demons for some reason) will need to purify any taints as soon as they can. Regardless of class, there are serious consequences to gaining too much soul corruption, ranging from your character going "insane" and blasting everything around him to his soul being stolen down to the depths of hell.

I can see this being an interesting shift from WoW, but will it have the holding power? WoW is one hell of a juggernaut at the moment.

2 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Man, I'm gonna have one heck of a time choosing between this one and Warhammer Online this fall. That spellweaving system looks to be the closest to the perfect attack customization system I've seen yet in an MMO.
The soul corruption bit is interesting, too, but I kinda worry what effect it will have on group dynamics. If certain classes are more prone to going off the hook than others, the ones who aren't liable to nuke their buddies into ash are probably going to be a little more sought after. Nevermind the problems of your Healer going to Hell in the middle of a dungeon run....

Unknown さんのコメント...

the interesting thing is there are some classes that get stronger with the taint, while others are weakened by it.

the sanity card is also a nice addition - which raises the question how hard will it be to go insane and then recover? do you ever really recover?

i'm kind of curious though on the dps output for some of those with the greater risk, and how this will effect game play balance.