火曜日, 4月 03, 2007

The Warmth of Denial

The weather truly was beautiful today - a little crisp to let you know winter's icy grasp wasn't quite gone, but it made the sun feel so much better after yesterday's snow storm.

For those brief moments escaping the office and walking into town for lunch was as close to nirvana as I've been the past few weeks. If I would have been thinking of anything of this world it would have been to simply toss my phone in the lake and keep walking down the beach, forgetting to go back to work altogether.

Yet no matter how I try there is some nagging form of responsibility that seems to chain me to this world, preventing escape even when the door is left wide open in front of me. I guess that's my masochistic side as I try to find out the truth in my twisted belief that we find ourself through suffering I guess :P

But then I guess if I ran screaming through that open door celebrating my freedom I'd have missed that brief window of experiencing a little happiness in the void - with the bliss of NO Interruptions.

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