木曜日, 5月 31, 2007

Real Blue Sky

I'm not sure why this scene comes to mind, but considering the current chaos in my life it seems to provide a little hope to cling to in the middle of this storm.

Anyway here is the setting, as Kino is leaving a country the gate attendant asks a question and the following brief conversation occurs:

Say Kino, have you ever seen the "real blue sky"?


Before my grandfather died, he said, "It doesn't matter if you find real blue sky or not." I asked him, "What are you talking about?" But he died smiling.

And that's the "real blue sky"?

Yeah, ever since, I've been wondering vaguely on and off what the "real blue sky" is.

What would you answer to that?

Let me think. . . I would answer, "There is no such thing."


How blue the sky is often changes depending on the place, time, season, and weather. And every one of them was beautiful. I can't tell you which one is the real blue sky among the skies I've seen. there is no such thing, that's what I think.

I'm not sure if that is a right answer or not, but I'm glad that I asked you - - -

'nuff said

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