火曜日, 6月 12, 2007

Deep Breathing Discoveries

Rant Warning: Venting against the world ahead proceed at your own risk

Over the past few weeks I've been doing a lot of deep breathing, in hopes of that "taking a deep breath before the plunge" might help reduce stress - - HA!!

That only works if the stressor is gone after you jump. The only other hope of reducing the stress is by thinking of something else all together while trying to calm frazzled nerves while deep breathing.

However if you can drive it all away for a touch of quiet there is hope in any stress relief technique you may wish to try. My tried and true use of Denial with Apathy buffer has a strong shielding mechanism but will waiver under a consistent direct assault that lasts too long to allow for a proper shield reset.

As for interruptions, I have found they are the ultimate way to legitimize procrastination. The more people you have come and ask you questions, or the more notifications you get (best example I've found of this is the child that will continue to state to obvious over and over again in hopes of wearing you down to give them what they want - or as they try to right the injustices they have created - ex. she/he looked/hit/touched/poked/kicked me) the easier it is to become so mired in new minutia that you may never find your way back to your original objective/desire. Many times to rebuff this I'm finding pure mockery with a thick layer of sarcasm works wonders.

As the chaos swirls around me I'm beginning to see a survival instinct created in past lives creeping back into existence, wo be to those who attempt the "guilt trip" - for they shall find their efforts wasted in vain and if they are not careful mockery will ensue no matter what their cause may be as it will trigger Denial with Apathy buffer quicker than they might think.

All in all I'm finding out just how grateful I am for a close circle of friends/family, and how anti-social I've become toward the rest of the world.

Personally I think it's a selfish survival technique, but honestly I really don't care and have no desire to deal with the rest of the world's problems - I don't have the solutions, and any solution I might have would be messed up by politicians anyway - so frakk 'em. There are other more important matters that I can help with that are closer to home, and I know I can make a difference there.


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