火曜日, 6月 26, 2007

Sleeping Dogs

I feel guilty for not getting more out here in the past couple of weeks - it's not that posts haven't been backlogging in my brain so much as finding a quiet moment to actually put fingers to keypad to enter them. Now that I've received this brief respite of silence I wanted to get something down quickly before the storms roll back in again.

For the longest time I've been running on 2 or 3 basic rules:

1. No matter where you go, there you are - make the best of it.
2. People are people, there are some really great folks out there and some real pains in the neck (this ties closely with the Wizard's First Rule, but generally isn't as pessimistic, no matter how stupid people get.)

However I'm coming to the conclusion I need a little bit more guidance, I've got a few more ideas kicking around in my head that might need to be added to the short list - like children like dogs are easier to deal with when asleep, and if sleeping the dreams of youth leave them a lone until they wake up and try crashing into my reality :P

Yet I think there is more wisdom out there in the world that needs to be tapped. Anyone out there that stumbles onto this place have any rules of thumb they think might be worth adding to the list?

I know there should be a third rule about family, but I'm still working on the wording for it - as it slips through my mind on occasion but is too slippery for me to quite grab the essence of it yet.

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