木曜日, 6月 14, 2007

Up Coming Starfreeze

In other news other up and coming addictions that I will try to add links to along the side in the near future are brought to you by Mr. the Tiger and Starfreeze.com - - for reawakening my need for a good anime fix.

Current series I've grown quite fond of at the moment are:

Darker than Black, I've only seen the first few episodes of this one and I'm still trying to figure out the over arching plot - I think it has something to do with what's called the 'hellgate' will need to watch more to confirm :)

The second is Kaze no Stigma (Stigma of the Wind), a little bit more tongue and cheek with a good shot of elemental magic, supernatural events, and closer to our reality mayhem - it's hinted at a greater plot but generally it's just fun.

However the greatest addiction in my anime category has got to be Claymore. Based on the manga by the same name it's both simple and complex, and not for those who can't handle bloody violence on par with a couple of Die Hard Movies where swords are the weapon of choice.

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