日曜日, 7月 08, 2007

Cactus in the Tunnel

Cravings for sleep never filled, blinded by the light ever questioning - is that a train coming at me in this tunnel or is that the bright light I keep hearing about in all those near death experiences? Not that there is a big difference either way - right?

Well I guess that depends - pre or post train, muhahaha. . .

I'm beginning to feel a lot like a little cactus plant we got recently. The idea was to fill a recently vacated pot that one of the kids had decorated in school, with the added bonus of trying to keep the cat down off the counter top - - HA!!

I can honestly say that the cat has no love for the cactus, or any other plant on the windowsill or counter top. At times I'd almost put some form of animosity between the cat and cactus though - if for no other reason than the sheer number of drops it has taken off the windowsill.

Only to be returned for the next round - - it's proven to be one hearty little bugger.

Well time to go - - I can hear the choppers (like on MASH) and expect incoming shortly.

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