金曜日, 7月 06, 2007

Taint of the Tar Baby

I hate missing holiday posts - - they are a nice brake from the regular drama.

It seems like every year the media outlets go crazy with multiple news stories, and commercials in hopes of saving a few fingers from the dangers of fireworks. Personally - I'm up for allowing folks to play on and see who wins a Darwin Award or maybe earn the very nice Honorable Mention at least.

The restrictions are almost laughable here anymore as they try to protect people from themselves - seems 'bout the only legal/safe fireworks any more are pop-its, but the beautiful mortars showering their multi-plumed glory of explosive colors would make one think other wise.

Anyway here's wishing everyone had a great 4th of July, and are still finding all their fingers and toes accounted for :)

In other news:

I'm not sure how many Wheel of Time folks swing by here, but I think I'm starting to really understand the taint Robert Jordan describes that coats the male half of the source. How the thin film coats and glistens on the surface. . . tempting one to reach out to the other side risking the sick insanity it may bring.

Metaphorically, one could argue that the taint is our own prejudices that color our perception of the world that filter reality in such a way drive some to madness, and others to greatness - gotta think on that one.

In a similar vein saw my dad try to explain the Tar Baby yesterday to someone that is playing the - Oh, You mean, mean person. . . you, Hurt My Feelers!! and now you shall pay card . I really don't think they got it - their current state of heightened over sensitivity to anything that can be twisted to offend blocking common sense. So for now I sit and watch them kick and punch at the oily tar baby, becoming more enmeshed - - I figure it won't be long until they start getting upset at the tar baby for getting them all sticky. Don't they know the quickest way to loose sympathy is self-infliction?

/Grrrr - - Stupid Humans!

In all this mess I'm finding my father is a far better person than I. I'll give someone enough rope to hang themselves so to speak, but after awhile I get impatient and want to see them dangle there. Sadly in this world one does not always get to see the beginning and the end - and to try and push the time table up so you don't miss the show - - well, that may prove to make a tar baby of madness all my own :P

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