火曜日, 8月 14, 2007

Bittersweet Education

It's amazing the quiet reserves one discovers when life take unexpected twists and turns.

Many religions claim the true worth of a soul is determined in the tribulations it faces. That through pain and suffering we are able to peel back the illusions of this world and discover what is real. . .

The tribulations come in many forms and toy with the facets of our reality - each time testing our resolve to push on and discover what lay beyond. It's amazing how many little things can be observed and learned from others but still once we experience it first hand the teaching becomes so much more bittersweet. Some lessons it seems need to be repeated - although I'm not sure if the things we experience are for us or for those around us.

I've seen some of the training the world hands out go off in a fashion similar to a nuclear strike. Leaving huge amounts of collateral damage in it's wake it always brings back up my number one philosophical question: "How much pain do you allow one person to cause to those around them before they are smacked down, or confronted by at least one of those they are causing pain?"

Still thinking on that one - -

It almost brings back that line from Princess Bride:

Buttercup: You mock my pain.
Westley: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.

The hard part about the current situation I'm looking at is how the mess is set up. . . it's like looking at a massive pile up on the interstate in slow motion, although it doesn't strike me directly all I can do is watch in slow motion at horror as everything gets . . . well turned into a twisted form of modern art.

Short of death there is no way to defend against the quirks of life, the best it seems one can due is simply endure it, learn from it or deny the lessons life tries to teach. Either way you "play the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about." :P

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

I wonder how much we are given is simply to prove to ourselves how much we can endure - it's not like there is a quota of pain that each is alloted. Though that would be nice - to be able to see your amount rationed out in an Excel chart somewhere ;)

Unknown さんのコメント...

intersting point - - there are many things that i can honestly say i did (both in virtual and real life) just to see if i could.

to think my way through the problem i had landed in or created through my own stupidity proved of much greater value in the long run.

wish i could remember who said it but i once read a quote stating: "that this life is a test, it is only a test, if it were anything but a test we would have been provided more information" - i guess an Excel chart showing our current alottment might be asking a bit much :)