土曜日, 8月 04, 2007

"For Pony!!"

Oh the colors of chaos how we (me, myself and I) love thy kaleidoscopic spectrum of colors and patterns drawn from the abyss. . .

One of the more recent weavings carry the theme or rather the question reoccurring - "What do we fight for?"

To each person I think the answer can be unique, but many times misunderstood. Many times writers, warriors, poets, preachers and kings all try to provide a rallying cry - all in hopes of bringing aid to their cause. In the end we have to turn off the cacophony of divergent sounds and decide.

Personally, I think I like "For Pony!!". It's used by Richard the Warlock in LFG (Looking for Group) and considering my Warlock in World of Warcraft just made it to 70 it seems fitting. Should be a good battle cry when dealing with gnomes in particular :)

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