土曜日, 8月 18, 2007

Post Rush Deep Breath

This is/was one of those weeks that really tests what sort of family you may be part of. Between technology problems with the folks, the flu (at least I think that is what it was), and the soup'd up daily technology problems at work this week - I can honestly say it's been one wild ride.

Currently I'm working on my folks computer in hopes of stretching out it's already incredibly long life (for a piece of technology) just a little longer. I've come to the conclusion long ago that the future will be created by the inventors and manipulated by the marketing sales world :P

I did manage to get a copy of the latest Freespire downloaded. From what little time I've had to play with it I can honestly say this one has been my favorite. Usually I get lost in the interface - not so much the "ooooo it's so graphically eye pleasing!" as "awww, [expletive deleted] now where the hell do I find that control panel again". Microsoft Vista has already done this to me a few times but I'm slowly learning where the bodies are hidden again.

So as a side note -- now that CDs are 25 years old, does anyone out there have a favorite pick for what the next new hot media will be? The Sci-Fi part of me loves the crystal lattice nano technology idea, but the realist is leaning more toward the flash drive technology or just a new format placed on the classic CD framework.

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