土曜日, 9月 22, 2007

Two Sides

I see. A very human, and somewhat tragic, resolution. It's easy to say things, but do you have the strength for that?

The weak always cling to words, and those with power die for those without it. It's an often told tale. . .

Easley, Silver King of the North

There are always two sides to every creation, every soul. One that desires to create, and protect. The other seeks it's own destruction and everything around it. Each soul learns the challenge of balancing the two - but few realize that sometimes to protect one must destroy. . .

To seek the status quo, maintain balance in the equation - defend what is or what was - or watch it change into something different. For good or ill, this is our choice. . . our agency.

In the end the fight comes to us, either literally in one of the many forms of an earthly hell - or turned within in hopes of finding our own enlightenment, to the trials we face. The interesting thing is how often external hell forces thoughts internally in hopes of finding a solution to end it.

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