土曜日, 1月 26, 2008

Dark Taint

Warning: Rant Ahead

There are times that I think Vulcan logic or even losing the messy humanity portion of emotion for a cold cybernetic heart might be a trade up. As tempting as it may sound at times though reality quickly returns bringing the realization that even Vulcan's get frustrated, and not even becoming a cyborg will help in dealing with humanity much.

Somewhere the western civilization has given up on slaying dragons, but has decided to live with them. They make excellent scapegoats - - hell if you have a problem blame the dragon - or another favorite is that 400 lb. animal that sits in the middle of a small room, usually guarding the sacred cows.

Politicians are of no real help here due to their knack/need to add more large animals, and give birth to new ravenous dragons in the room and then blame the reality they have created on the some other red herring, which are either over weight from being fed too much or starving from a general neglect (even dragons fall from favor or risk dying of old age).

So while the world becomes top heavy with bureaucrats and failed attempts at at least moving the sacred cows to a lighter diet, you can watch the world shift again, allowing us all to wait for the next 'war of relevance' provided to your by the local major media outlet. Oh, and with this being an election year be prepared for the relevance wars to heat up again whether you by into global warming or not. . .

Which has raised the question - where is the best place to hide in the world?

Keep in mind that it will already be stocked and prepared with electricity, food plumbing and in my case a good Internet connection. Personally I like the small tropical island surrounded by mines a such, but recently a hide-away similar to NORAD under a mountain in a nice quiet corner of the world sounds good too. The only other alternative from these I can think of is in the middle of a major city in hopes of just getting lost in the crowd :P


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