金曜日, 2月 29, 2008

Lost and Found

Okay, quick explanation of the last post before I jump into the new stuff. . . (next post)

I had some typing to do, and finding a quiet place to type anything without major/minor and constant interruption has become a trick. (not even the sanctity of the bathroom is safe in many cases)

So I cleared a nice spot out in the office/storage room, and quietly slipped in with a laptop. No one saw me go in and lock the door behind me. I should have thought to make the illusion complete and grabbed my coat so that they would have thought I had left the premises and gone for a walk.

I now know what it feels like to be Waldo - being right there in the middle of the search as others try to find you.

Truly and enjoyable experience. . . and for those who mentally had discovered my secret hideaway I thank you for leaving me there in peace :)

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