水曜日, 5月 14, 2008

Intuitive Learning

Has it really been so long since the last post - - makes me feel glad I didn't promise a set schedule for publishing :P

Warning Rant Ahead

Is there such a thing as Intuitive Learning? When faced with issues is it possible to look at the mess and choose the right path? How much courage and faith does it take to make that decision not knowing what the outcome will be?

I'm becoming more and more amazed that the human race has lasted so long without some form of divine guidance from the gods or fates or whoever may be listening to the chaotic desires, longings and pleas of a populace that do not think past the moment at hand ( which sadly is not what i think was meant by 'living in the moment').

The noise grows louder, and I find myself lost in the din. If I let it the noise will wash over me - driving all thought from me, scattering focus, leaving nothing but the abyss. Many times you can see the wave coming, building to a crescendo where all you can do is dive into it - letting it carry you away for a few seconds then try to refocus.

It helps to have a focal point, which is easier said than done in our multi-tasking society with so many foci . There are just too many minds to drive out, so we just begin to get used to all the company as the insanity begins to seep deeper into our reality.

I think this is one of the reason video games have caught such a great hold on the human mind. Life has changed so greatly in the past century or two that meditation has become an arcane word that few know the meaning of. So focus becomes part of the activity, the meditation silent as we work on accomplishing other tasks.

We are active, always in a state of doing to the point where rest becomes a luxury to some until their body demands it of them. What are we running to, or from? Are we afraid it will catch us, or that we won't be able to catch that which we seek?

"With searching comes loss
and the presence of absence:
The page not found"
-404 Haiku*-

So do we scramble through this life letting our subconscious make the decisions, hoping that the patterns are noticed and the choices we make are correct or have we become more of a sheepole. Or just maybe we have become too specialized as a society to think of anything outside our experience? Hence we put our faith or neglect behind those who claim to be experts in the given topic.

Does Intuitive Learning exist? Or is this just one more sign of my own personal madness?

Gotta think on this one - -


*given by a coworker from a website that had a broken link :)

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