月曜日, 9月 01, 2008

Blurb Tainted Kessle Run

Okay it's a cheesy name - but it's kind of shiny too :P

FOR PONY, Someecards.com coolness:
Stumbled on this in the chaos of the first week of classes. I guess you could say it was a sanity plea waiting to happen, but anyway you can now use those nice pics and make a few e-cards of your own.

It might be fun to do a card every week, gotta think on that one, just sooo many possiblities there.

The Q Has Gone to War:
It's taken awhile. Much longer than planned, as once again wonder and reason began to wage the war once again as before.

"On the heels of the skirmish man foolishly called The War to End All Wars, the dark one sought to elude his destiny, and live as a mortal. So he fled across the ocean to the empire called America. But by his mere presence, a cancer corrupted the spirit of the land. People were rendered mute by fools who spoke many words but said nothing... for whom oppression and cowardice were virtues... and freedom, an obscenity. And into this dark heartland, a prophet stalked his enemy. Until, dimished by his wounds, he turned to the next in the ancient line of light. And so it was that the fate of mankind came to rest on the trembling shoulders of the most reluctant of saviors... " Simon

The second season of Carnivàle was interesting, a little rushed, but then there are signs that they knew the end was coming. After it was over though all I could really think was the the Q Continuum had gone to war. . . go fig, at least Janeway wasn't there.

Hope they do a movie or something later (Carnivàle not Janeway :P).

Second Escape and Straight on 'til Morning:
For a 3-day weekend I longed for the simple peace of a regular week. Normal escapes were hard to come by and my World of Warcraft therapy was sharply cut back. I mean what's the point in logging in if you will be interrupted so man times as to make thinking a coherent sentence enter the realm of chance Lotto winnings?

Anyway I got a shiny experience to escape this gorram mess and tag along with the crew of Serenity. It's the first time I've had to watch the television series Firefly. I missed it when it first came out, due to the over campy marketing they provided. Sorry but as cool as Buffy and Angel was I shuttered at the idea of a sci-fi western produced by the same group.

I now sit here converted and appologetic. Yeah it's got it's moments but the writers, complex characters, plot - - yes a show with PLOT!! Needless to say it's now been placed on my internal list of series worth purchasing.

Once I finish the TV series I plan to catch the movie - - which I've only heard good things about.

Parting Shot:
I only made one other e-card and it seemed to fit the past few weeks on so many levels.

We'll see what i can do to spread these blurbs out so this blog doesn't seem so 'chunky' anymore.

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