木曜日, 10月 30, 2008

Breeding Out

Okay I admit the name for this post just sounds salacious. . . but like all of my more messed up posts it's hard to pin down just one topic to make a title on.

I'm trying to figure out at the moment the purpose of going overly safe/sane this Halloween. . . I mean to go from Halloween to a Harvest Festival, then go to no masks, or make-up that might be scary, what's next? I'm sorry all candy must be beige due to the scariness of color?!?

Wouldn't it make more sense to handle the possible fear fallout in a controlled environment?

Fear is a survival instinct that seems to be used only by idiot politicians so we'll buy into their agenda on a daily basis - but out side of the media hatchets the current powers seem to be working to try and breed the fear out of us.

We are capable of so much more. . .

How much freedom are we willing to sell for security?

I've never known a generation to take freedom back without bloodshed and revolution so this is one of those questions that needs to be answered before the sale is complete and discover what type of security you've purchased.

Would you like a little Pax (G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate) with that?

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