水曜日, 11月 05, 2008

Follow the Bunny

Okay - I went looking for "Frank" and found this:

By Europe correspondent Emma Alberici, Posted Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:05am AEST

The UK's first Jedi course teaching personal development through a Star Wars syllabus will open to students at Queen's University in Belfast from November.

According to its publicity material, the course, Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way, teaches the real-life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks.

It also claims to examine the wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism.

The university says it hopes to attract young Star Wars fans and introduce them to education through open learning.

No prior qualifications are required and the blurb informs students that light sabres are not provided.

Participants dressed as Jedi Knight characters perform with their light sabres
The force is strong: The university says Star Wars can shed light
on political and social issues (Reuters: Issei Kato, file photo)

How'd I miss this?!?! Amazing what you find when you go looking for a bunny :P

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