火曜日, 11月 25, 2008

Todash - Running to REM

A word coined by Stephen King and used in his Dark Tower series. It might be used either as adjective or noun. Todash means teleporting or time traveling (or both, since you travel in space as well as time), often through a door. You might go to "todash darkness" as well which is practically emptiness between worlds. King defines it as "the space between the walls in a house" and further implies that any kind of monstrosity might be waiting there.

He knew the dangers of going todash.
She heard the todash chimes and shuddered.
I'd imagine this is the place between this world and that where one is able to dream in a lucid state. . .
It is rare that I am provided the opportunity to remember any of my dreams. . . Or that I can return to any form of the dream plane after being jarred back to this reality. Today was different though.

I remember the alarm clocks of this life going off - - noisy kids, the neighbor dogs barking and wishing they'd just shut up. The denial of it all, and the attempted return to get a little bit more rest.

It's during these moments I have the best chance of lucid dreaming, and the opportunity of remembering anything of those dreams that come. When the balance of the subconscious and conscious seems to be just right to allow the minds eye to peer across the abyss. . .

I remember farms, and a village I'm not sure of their real names, but my brain tried to name them as the dream progressed. In some ways it had a MMO quality and other than the river and culvert for watering crops there was a Westfall, Goldshire type feel to the land - with more the green of Goldshire.

The town was filled with humans and possibly a few other races - of this I'm not sure. But there was a newspaper shelf/rack (kind of high set on a pole, as either I was short or the rack was high due to my need to jump in order to grab a newspaper.) It had one of the local paper monikers on it from where I live - strange but then in dreams the strange is easily accepted as real.

There was space behind the village - a forested area. . . maybe this was two trips? Dream time obeys it's own laws. Oh and did I mention I was an Orc? (more of the Warcraft flavor than that of Middle Earth)

It was shortly after getting the paper that I remember being chased with two others. I don't know why but the townsfolk wanted us - not sure why but I didn't want to stick around and find out either. We ran through the field that was between the village and the forested hills to the a section of town that had craftspeople in it (masons, I think or sculptors) - and rather than jump off a high ledge and 'remembering to crouch' (i think they meant roll) I ran back thinking I could just float down the river to the safety of a thick jungle down south.

Which would have been far easier if not for the appearance of alligators in the river.

So I had my choice - the river gators, or the angry towns folk. Which for some reason would not chase anyone into the water, must have been the gators. . .

After being harried back and forth I managed to cross the river and get into a animal pen with large chain-link fence section, which I am grateful to say was able to float in the stream/river and the gators had no interest in it.

I have no idea what happened to the others, the news paper, or why I was even being chased. And that's how it ended - me floating out of town on a chunk of chain-link fence surrounded by gators headed down stream.

Upon looking at the clock after this I found I had overslept and made one of my fastest trips to work through traffic to date. . .

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