水曜日, 7月 15, 2009

Tilt'd Knews Post

It's been a long time since I posted any interesting news stories... there have been so many to choose from, here's a few of the recent interesting tidbits I've come across.

Should you choose to except this mission...
IronKey unveils enterprise USB flash drive with crypto, self-destruct security

Possible Reaver Creation in the making 2016:
Space Station Is Near Completion, Maybe the End: Plan to 'De-Orbit' in 2016 Is Criticized
Didn't we just get it up there? Sounds like a Dead Like Me exclusive reaper reunion - - please don't screw this one up like you did that last move... come on gravelings. I'm curious to see just how much fun gravelings could have in a zero G environment.

Cats 'Exploit' Humans By Purring: (among other things)
Yeah we're on to you now you fur-balls of manipulation :P

And lastly... *queue drum roll*

Al Lewis: Wells Fargo Bank Sues Itself
So tell me again how's this supposed to work...

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