日曜日, 8月 09, 2009

Tidbits, and Shuffles

I feel like a slacker when it comes to the art of blog... coming up with tidbits and interesting things discovered along the path, but never quite getting around to hoisting any of it upon the digital void of 'net.

I'm not doing much better on Facebook for that matter either...

I'm having trouble taking much seriously... short of a concerted effort of energy into areas that resemble trying to fight the tides. I sense two options in this leave for higher ground or thicken my resolve and learn to breath under water. [ i think i need to get some more incense, and a better way to find calm in the chaos ]

It's amazing how views change as we make our way through this life, but enough of my philosophical rant.

I got tired of waiting, waiting for that moment when kids are gone and distractions can be avoided to enjoy shows I purchased months ago. It's amazing how much my youngest niece has in common with her uncle, both will talk through anything you are trying to focus on, and will double their efforts if you are in the last 10 min of any movie or television program.

So I've started rolling the dice in my head and if the pips are up I hide in my room and put the DVD into my computer and enjoy the show. Still cringe a bit when a knock comes to the door but generally I can make a successful pause and not worry too much about interruptions.

Avatar was my test series for this - - loved the series and only had minimal interruptions. The kids love this series and did their damn'dest to wear out any copy they received from NetFlix a while back. Like in life I guess if I had waited for the perfect moment it never would have appeared...

About the only thing the really keeps me logging into Facebook at the moment is a couple of "social" games that are gratefully not totally 'clan/group/extrovert' biased - I think I was aiming for based there but biased works just as well. So I've started a small farm, and a drunkass monkey fighter... we'll see how that goes.

Time Shift:
It feels strange not to have a current MMO running. I let the trial account time run out for the villains, and am not really ready to go back to WoW, it's not the game it used to be - doubt it ever will be. I have been keeping and eye on the new FF though, I'm curious to see where it goes in it's further development.

5 Blocks from Port:
I'm still looking through the rails on Amtrak in the immediate vicinity. I think my first test trip will be a visit to Portland. If all goes as I hope it does, there is a Chinese park only about 5 blocks away from the railroad station in Portland's old Chinatown, and if I make sure to print out the maps before hand it looks like I may be able to visit the famed Powell's bookstore as well. I know this will limit my time as I would love to spend a few days - but this is more a scouting mission to test the value of a quick escape - even if I can't keep it for a few more days.

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