日曜日, 5月 16, 2010

Running In Place

I should post more often, and many topics briefly come to mind only to fade in the chaos of the day (much like the shadow forms in the Twilight Zone episode, I Sing the Body Electric). Thoughts of these reoccurring are hard to quantify though and never appear the same as they did on reflection - could be another sign that I'm loosing my mind or just grasping for something subconsciously before the waters of denial lull it back to a state of near oblivion.

As for the current state of this reality...

Still trying to sell the homestead. Glad I don't have any major force pushing for me to sell quick as this market generally sucks, but this place is just way more than I need. I always figured life would be so much different at this point - only to be reminded of the olde adage from Grant:

"Man purposes and God disposes..."

I find that I'm not even posting on FaceBook much any more (not really sure if I did post much on FaceBook to begin with). Which of course raises that question of what to do with all that 'free time'... Sadly I've become quite adept at killing it slowly with a chainsaw at times.

Hulu has provided me a very nice anime link among even basic Tele programing. (as I'm not ready to pay such high fees for the enjoyment of having the Home Shopping Network on Dish or Cable). Sometime I'll need to put a list of the different shows I've stumbled across in the past few months - maybe I'll even resurrect the movie rating system I had awhile back :P

I'm finding that in order to keep from going completely feral and anti-human though I do my best to go out and deal with humanity in a PUBLIC setting outside of work. This is usually done by going and getting lunch somewhere away from work. This has provided an excellent opportunity to explore the area and try new and different foods at restaurants/vendors. (I'm still trying to figure out what's in the 'Greek Pepper' mix I got from the local Greek restaurant I like.

Anyway time to run...

Oh, along the side though I have updated the links - changing the comic line up, and adjusting the "Hito no Tabi" blog roll to match the hunt. --Enjoy

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