金曜日, 9月 03, 2010


Realizations can be scary at times... like a loud noise in a quiet place many jump at the suddenness of it.

There are other types of realizations though, the ones that just grow into the soul for translation are the most interesting - for they seem to take nourishment from our daily experiences to grow into one of those internal puzzle pieces that help us explain this reality. . .

Most of these are lost in the noise of existence, hidden in the cacophony of life. It is usually when you find out just how loud the silence can be you trip over some of these little pieces and try to make sense of them. Only the owners of the piece can truly discern their meaning, although many others will try with varying degrees of success.

As for me at the moment. . . i'm beginning to believe i live from one distraction to the next.

Actually i think most of us are living this way. Trying to dull the void or push back the encroachment of an existence in a world the we don't want to figure out or deal with at the moment due to all the interruptions that seem to swirl around us. For as annoying as this distraction is, it is known... we know not what will we find if we listen to the silence - or if we have seen what is there will face it or flee?

The question that perplexes me at the moment is this distraction trying to teach me something, or is it hiding something i will need later?

Just one more thought from life's drifting state of stasis...

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